I'm kind of in love with this video. Why can't life be like this? All I have to do is walk around, break into dance, take off my shirt and wait for others to join me. To end my day, I wouldn't mind dancing around a bonfire either. Get all tribal and shit. Oh, how I love The Presets.
In other news, I've realized that you can find the biggest surprises in the least likely places. I went to Networking Night yesterday (business career fair shiet). Basically, I went to appease my parents and get a free dinner. As I'm sitting there, eating a decent slice of chocolate cake, I was taken my surprise. One of the speakers was an A&M graduate who decided to open up his own film production company. He basically gave his accounting degree the middle finger and decided to do what fueled his passion for life. You don't hear stories like that within the business school. As everyone knows, music is my life, but the business school definitely doesn't nurture that passion. I feel like whenever I tell people about my career goals, they don't understand. Especially in Mays Business School, I feel as if many students choose the path they are "supposed" to. Do I want to working for fucking Hormel, and sell canned chili? Yes, I said Hormel (they were at the career fair). Hell no, fuck no. It was refreshing to hear from someone with almost the exact same views as me. Of course, I had to talk to this guy. I ended up making a really good contact, and we'll see where it goes!