I'm about to begin my last semester in college. It has finally hit me like a train. This is it; the end of an era. In five months, everything in my life will completely change. No more studying, no more carefree attitude, and no more college drink specials. I will definitely miss the latter.
This holiday break has been given me a great chance to think about things before I hit the ground running. Goals, family, friends, my life, the future...
P.S. - I can't believe I rode around for about 30 minutes to find a CiCi's pizza in West Houston. And what does the manager have the nerve to say to me? "Are you familiar with how everything works here at CiCi's?" Yes, sir. I'm a fucking pizza buffet professional.
P.S.S - Demitri Martin STILL isn't funny.
that happened to me at a cicis in orlando. for some reason i answered "im not from around here" and had the cuban manager lady explain what i needed to do in order to put pizza on my plate.
miss you bub.