Star filled skies
The moon occasionally tucking itself away under the sparse clouds
Cool breezes
The live sounds of Radiohead slowly putting me into a musical trance
Seeing Radiohead perform live is something I never want to forget. Music that can truly move me emotionally and physically shouldn't be taken for granted. With all of the meaningless lyrics that we may be surrounded by today, music like this is something special.
One of my favorite songs that he performed is called Street Spirit (Fade Out). I'm not going to lie, I teared up a little bit during this song, Videotape, and Nude. After reading about the meaning of the song and the effect it has on Thom Yorke, I was surprised/impressed that he sang it that night. Most Radiohead songs have somewhat of a resolution, but this is one of the few that doesn't. Basically its saying that in the end, the devil will get the last laugh, no matter what you do to avoid it. Now that is just depressing. Typically, when they perform this song, Yorke has a mental breakdown and can't finish the song without crying to himself. He can't understand how people can listen to it and not feel the same way, as if they are braver than he is. All-in-all, this portrays Radiohead's true musical genius. For someone to be able to write words that can still have such a strong, personal impact after so many years is courageous and greatly respectable. I mean, I don't have to sit here and say how amazing Radiohead is because if you are reading this, you probably already know that.
My friends and I bought our tickets for this concert over three months ago, and sort of put it at the back of our minds for the time being. I don't think it really hit me that I was actually going to see Radiohead perform live until I walked through the black gates of the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion. Who knows when Radiohead is going to come back to Texas, or even the United States. I'm glad I got to share the experience with some of the most important people in my life before I begin my next life journey to Hot Springs, AR.