Obama: Defense of Marriage Act is Unconstitutional
3:51 PM | Author: madcakeshandy
As many of you have heard, Obama has officially declared that the Defense of Marriage Act will not have federal support from now on. This is the policy that essentially labels same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. Although it has been a long road for Obama to take a significant stance on this issue, I think his "NObama" moniker is slowly starting to shed. If I hear one more Republican claim that he is tearing away at this country's social fabric, I will literally scream. Well, now that I say that, I might as well start warming up my vocal chords. As a wise person once said, "I don't understand why people are against gay marriage. Their main argument is that it's tearing away at our social fabric. You really think gays would do anything to harm fabric?" Although a humorous take on the situation, if you logically take the matter into consideration, who is gay marriage hurting? That question is much easier asked than answered, I know. It's been such a constant argument for far too long. Just because two men or two women cannot reproduce doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to legally bind their relationship. It is proven that same-sex parents are just as effective, and there are enough children in the world in foster care and orphanages. I'm not even going to start the whole "religion" thing. I could go on about this for a long time...but I will keep this short. Anyways, I just went for a run, and I smell pretty stank.

I'm remaining optimistic that Obama knows what he is doing as the 2012 presidential race quickly approaches. Although many have lost faith in our president, I haven't. I may not be 100% satisfied with the way our country has progressed (well, maybe I'm more unhappy with the fact that Rick Perry is still our governor in Texas), but I have a good feeling about the future.

To read the full New York Times article about the Defense of Marriage Act click here.
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