Something that disappoints, almost disturbs, me more than anything is the response of so many "conservatives." Obama is going to ruin America, I'm moving to Canada to avoid socialism, keep the White House "white"...I could continue, but I'm going to stop before I punch a hole in the wall next to me. Barack Obama is our new president, and I think its every Americans duty to embrace it no matter how they voted. To all the people saying that America is going down the drain because of our new President, I think that THEY are the ones who are truly being un-American. People need to grow up and be the mature adults they are supposed to be. All of this negativity is just taking us a step backward, and I don't think we have too many steps to take before we are in a horrible position. We've already dug ourselves into a deep hole, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to relieve the Bush administration for the next four years.
Our country has just been Baracked, and I love it.