11:32 PM | Author: madcakeshandy

Song: "I've Seen It All"
Artist: Bjork
Movie: Dancer in the Dark

I finally watched this movie, and wow. I was almost speechless by the end of it. As my friend said, "Drink a Gatorade to rehydrate yourself from all the tears." This was seriously one of the most depressing, heartbreaking movies I have ever seen. Most movies have some kind of resolution. Nope, not this one. Just when you think things can't get any worse; they do. Seeing the main character (Bjork) just get beaten down and betrayed by the ones she trusted is almost too much to handle. It is horrible to see people have the worst things possible done to them when all they are trying to do is help others. I feel like that type of situation is all too familiar to a lot of people. This definitely isn't a movie you want sit down and watch with your friends on a Friday night. I ended up watching it by myself on cloudy Saturday afternoon.
This semester is slowly coming to a close. More than anything, that means I only have one semester left in college. One more semester left in College Station. One more semester left in Town Hall. One more semester until the real world. These past few weeks have been interesting, and I don't even really know how to describe it. I guess I just have a lot on my mind, and I feel like I've gone into hibernation.

This machine will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under
Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under
And fade out again and fade out again

ups and downs
12:43 AM | Author: madcakeshandy
A Better Son/Daughter
Rilo Kiley

Sometimes in the morning I am petrified and can’t move
Awake but cannot open my eyes
And the weight is crushing down on my lungs
I know I can’t breathe
And I hope someone will help me this time
And your mother’s still calling you insane and high
Swearing it’s different this time
And you tell her you give in to the demons that possess her
And that God never blessed her insides
Then you hang up the phone
And feel badly for upsetting things
Crawl back into bed to dream of a time
When your heart was open wide
And you loved things just because
Like the sick and the dying
And sometimes when you’re on
You’re really fucking on
And your friends they sing along
And they love you
But the lows are so extreme
That the good seems fucking cheap
And it teases you for weeks in its absence
But you’ll fight and you’ll make it through
You’ll fake it if you have to
And you’ll show up for work with a smile
And you’ll be better
And you’ll be smarter
And more grown up
And a better daughter or son
And a real good friend
And you’ll be awake
You’ll be alert
You’ll be positive though it hurts
And you’ll laugh and embrace all your friends
And you’ll be a real good listener
You’ll be honest
You’ll be brave
You’ll be handsome and you’ll be beautiful
You’ll be happy

Your ship may be coming in
You’re weak but not giving in
To the cries and the wails of the valley below
And your ship may be coming in
You’re weak but not giving in
And you’ll fight it
You’ll go out fighting all of them
yes we can
4:40 PM | Author: madcakeshandy
Barack Obama: our new President of the United States. It makes me so happy and proud to see this day in American history. Time are changing, and this is a prime example why. Our country is in so much turmoil today, and I truly believe the next four years are going to bring us out of this whirlwind.

Something that disappoints, almost disturbs, me more than anything is the response of so many "conservatives." Obama is going to ruin America, I'm moving to Canada to avoid socialism, keep the White House "white"...I could continue, but I'm going to stop before I punch a hole in the wall next to me. Barack Obama is our new president, and I think its every Americans duty to embrace it no matter how they voted. To all the people saying that America is going down the drain because of our new President, I think that THEY are the ones who are truly being un-American. People need to grow up and be the mature adults they are supposed to be. All of this negativity is just taking us a step backward, and I don't think we have too many steps to take before we are in a horrible position. We've already dug ourselves into a deep hole, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to relieve the Bush administration for the next four years.

Our country has just been Baracked, and I love it.