Just Me: i finally tainted my naked skin [tatted up]
9:27 AM | Author: madcakeshandy

To say I'm "tatted up" is both an understatement and quite the douchebag of a catchphrase. Nonetheless, I got my first taste of permanent skin ink last Thursday afternoon. My desire to break into the whole tattoo realm has been simmering for at least five years now. After I got over my piercing phase (I put a whopping two holes into my body and both of them were on my ear), I started to give tattoos a thought. I've heard more stories (good and bad) about tattoo experiences than I can even remember. I also think I know more people with tattoos than without, so it was only a matter of time before I got my own.

With all that I have dealt with in my personal life over the past two years, I am a full believer in "carpe diem". If I've been considering a tattoo for as long as I have now, you know what? Fuck it...time to get some shit done. Anyways, after you tell people you're going to do something like this...you can't really back out of it. 

Although I want a rather large piece on my left arm, I decided to get a smaller one to break the ice. Scissor Sisters (<3 Jake Shears) is one of my favorite bands, and their logo is so simple yet so amazing. I've been a fan for quite sometime, and I appreciate not only their music but their overall aura and personality. There's just this "I don't give a fuck" attitude that is so appealing to me. They wear what they want, write the music they want, say what they want, etc. Although I'm not the most outlandish and outspoken gay in the world, I'm proud of who I am and what I stand for. And let's be real, yes tattoos last forever, but I'll be a homo from now until the day I die. Sorry Michele Bachmann.

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