Although a simple concept on paper, the Unhate campaign presents one of the most complicated issues our society suffers from everyday: hatred. This beautiful short film may only last a mere minute and eight seconds, but the powerful message it portrays makes quite the impression (at least for me). The love a person shares with another is one of the most priceless gifts that anyone can receive. There isn't a single person in this world who wouldn't agree with that statement. I feel that it's in our human nature to strive to feel loved and cared for. What's ironic is that the idea of love can bring about just as much hate. I will never understand why groups want to bring someone down solely for the person they love. It boggles mind that this is still an issue in 2011. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but until there is a change, we have to keep flipping that record over. With the constant news stories of suicides, beatings, and murders constantly broadcasting on our televisions and computers, I can't help but feel sick to my stomach. Take this as food for thought: how many people will be more put off by the images of love and affection than by the violence and brutality? Probably more than you'd care to imagine. That notion alone can explain why this film was produced.
Love is such a strong word. With all the negativity that exists among the human race, "love" is almost too much to ask of some people. As awful as that sounds, I stand behind that statement 100%. Reversing the hatred is a much more realistic way to view the journey towards a more peaceful world.