I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays with great friends, family, food, alcohol, and revelry. Besides working the demon that is retail at Christmas time, I've been enjoying all of the above. Being the first holiday season after my sudden birth into the "real world", its funny how things change. Nonetheless, we all get that warm fuzzy feeling within, no matter how old you are or what life stage you are coasting in.

Its hard to believe that we will be embarking on a new decade in a matter of a few days. Although 2009 has had its highs and lows, 2010 is looking pretty damn good from a close distance. I'm trying to stay optimistic, okay? Geez.

Now, on to the music. I wish I had the motivation to try and create a "Top Albums of 2009" list, but let's be honest, I don't. No matter what, there were plenty of quality sounds to play on repeat. Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear (and every derivative of the band that exists), Royksopp, The Xx, The Antlers, Phoenix, Natalie Portman's Shaved Head, Islands, Dark was the Night compilation, Other Lives, Empire of the Sun, Loney Dear, Thunderheist, The Golden Filter, Girls, The Swell Season, Camera Obscura, Beast, HEALTH, The Dodos, Memory Tapes, Atlas Sound, Wavves, The Thermals, Bear in Heaven...I could "rabble rabble rabble" even further, but I will cease. In addition to the new albums this year, you can't forget the ungodly number of remixes that were created. I'm pretty sure Empire of the Sun and Phoenix were the most remixed artists of the year. Music has been one of the few things to keep me sane this past year. Yes, I know that screams "cliche", but believe me, it isn't an empty statement.

I can't leave you without a music clip or two. Bonnaroo was an absolutely amazing pilgrimage, and here is one of my favorite music experiences of the year. The intensity of it all was ridiculous.

Oh, and standing about three foot from Ed Droste and Grizzly Bear at this SXSW performance...."cream your pants" good. I just wanted to touch him. (That's me in the vest)

One more....The Swell Season in Houston at Warehouse Live. One of the best concerts I've ever witnessed. Oh you know I cried when they performed "Once", and this moment was epic.

cheers to starting the new year with a big. fecking. bang.
music video + nudity = NSFW
10:54 PM | Author: madcakeshandy
Here is the new single from Yeasayer, "Ampling Amp". It is very reminiscent of his past album, but I'd say it is better produced. The drums are sick on this track. The video itself is pretty creative/epic. I'm definitely a fan, and I cannot wait until the new album comes out.

At Bonnaroo, he made an announcement saying, "I know most of you are fucked up and high out of your minds. Please don't overdose." Thank God no one had to drive anywhere. That thought just came into mind while I was posting this.

I'm sure most of you have heard this tune, "Lust for Life", by Girls. You've also probably seen the video. Well, here is the so-called hardcore version. Let's just say, someone may or may not sing into someone else's penis. Just a "heads" up.

3:19 PM | Author: madcakeshandy
I love Noah and the Whale, and I've been listening to this remix on repeat all. fecking. day. It makes you feel as if you are just f l o a t i n g a l o n g. Check it out. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Here's another one I was introduced to a couple weeks ago...also, quite heavenly.

Its almost insane to think how many remixes are out there of just ONE track. For example, Phoenix's "1901" has an unGAWDly number of remixes. It is funny how you don't see covers very much anymore, but its all about the remixes. And the remixes of remixes. I'm not complaining about it or anything, but just that I'd make that statement.